Racism in America: What is Mine to Do? Program Series


Participants trained in our ‘Technology of Change’ – having conversations – dramatically increase conversations about race at work, with family and in communities. As one way to personally contribute to dismantling racism in their sphere.

This interactive workshop is packaged for sale to consultants, community members, and HR staff. It features a riveting Video that demonstrates the exercises. The Video inspires participants. And it guides trained co-hosts to successfully deliver the workshop.

Message From The Founder

Catherine Perry, Founder

A highly diverse team of leadership experts, executive coaches and trainers developed this powerful program. We bring a lifetime of experience building teams, creating accountability and producing results.

This program brings us great fulfillment. Because designing and delivering this program is OUR answer to the question: ‘Racism in America: What Is Mine To Do?®

Catherine Perry, Founder

About InwardBound Center

Workshop’s 3 Steps Reveal

‘What Is Mine To Do’®

Here’s the foundation of every program you’ll experience. 

Step 1

Look inside

Your beliefs and assumptions about the gifts of diversity and the pain of racism guide your behaviors. Which ones serve you? Which ones do you leave behind?

Discover how to start and stay in worthwhile race conversations

Every person can impact racism by having conversations. Engage in important, difficult discussions in the training. Take away skills to hold conversations in your life. 

Step 3

Move into action

See what is uniquely yours to do. Make the impact you yearn for. 

Organizations We’ve Worked With

Discover for Yourself
What Is Mine To Do?®

Change the conversation you’re having with yourself and others
when it comes to racism